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Saved by PBworks
on July 23, 2007 at 1:13:06 pm
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BarCampBankSeattle was an Open Space. You can learn more about Open Space from the OpenSpaceWorld website and from Open Space Technology: A User's Guide, written by Harrison Owen.

Near Real-Time Agenda
Day 2: Sunday, July 22nd 2007
9:30 AM -> 10:30AM
- Day2Session1D - Social media: banker to banker collaboration
- Day2Session1M - Building/designing a bank from scratch/disintemediation in banking
10:30 AM -> 12:30 AM
12:30 -> 1:30 Lunch
1:30 PM -> 2:30 PM
2:30 PM -> 5:45 PM
Closing Circle
Day 1: Saturday, July 21nd 2007
9:30 AM -> 10:30AM
- Session1A - Credit Financing of International Relief & Development Projects
- Session1B - iPhone vs. 'the other' Mobile, how do they relate to FIs
- Session1D - Loyalty Economies and the Net Promoter Score
10:30 AM -> 11:30 AM
11:30 AM -> 12:30 PM
- Session3A - Facebook
- Session3B - Online Payments - no fraud, phishing, spoofing, ID theft; why, when, where, how, what?
- Session3D - To branch or not to branch, that is the question: will brick and mortar matter in the future?
1:30 PM -> 2:30 PM
- Session4A - What features are missing from your online banking channel?
- Session4B - Removing obstacles, driving change, and innovation through an organization
- Session4C - Service expectations/requirements of milleniums and gen Ys
2:30 PM -> 3:30 PM
- Session5A - Bridging the gap between social media and the real life experience
- Session5B - Build vs. Buy - what drives the decision
- Session5C - I want to do the next cool startup in finance
3:45 PM -> 5:45 PM
- Session6M - User generated: How far would you go?/How to convince the old guard of the new online reality
- Session6B - Mojax - AJAX framework for mobile device development
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